Cultural landscapes represent the ‘combined works of nature and of man’.
They are illustrative of the evolution of human society and settlement over time, under the influence of
the physical constraints and/or opportunities presented by their natural environment and of successive social, economic and cultural forces …
UNESCO Convention.

  • Author: Canada Tentative List Application for UNESCO World Heritage Sites for North Pacific Cannery and Settlement.
  • Cultural Heritage Consultant: City of Vancouver, Heritage Register Upgrade. Indigenous Cultural Heritage inclusivity and multi-cultural heritage inclusivity for Heritage Action Plan, Historic Context Statement, Thematic Framework, Evaluation Criteria/Methodology.
  • Research Project: Indigenous Cultural Heritage. International Traditional Knowledge Institute (ITKI). ITKI is an UNESCO sponsored research institute for the inventory, conservation, preservation, and dissemination of innovative Traditional Knowledge as World Heritage. Florence, Italy, ongoing.
  • Research Project: Indigenous Cultural Heritage World Bank Database. International Traditional Knowledge Institute (ITKI). Development of an Indigenous Cultural Heritage ‘Hub’ for the World Bank database to gather and protect Indigenous traditional knowledge inclusive of traditional techniques, sustainable technologies, and management of eco-systems.
  • North Pacific Cannery Historic Site, B.C., Canada. Prospectus: Potential Candidate for UNESCO World Heritage Status. Development of a Prospectus for the remote NPC site and settlement inclusive of history of site, heritage values represented by the site, assessment of WH criteria represented on the site, assessment of immovable cultural resources as archaeological artifacts/buildings/structures extant and reconstructed, assessment of movable cultural resources, assessment of heritage value of intercultural exchange of First Nations, Japanese, Chinese, and Anglo-European cultures represented on the site.
  • North Pacific Cannery Historic Site, BC, Canada. Valorization of Authenticity and Integrity of Cultural Heritage Evidence for the NPC Cannery site and settlement inclusive of cultural heritage evidence for First Nations, Japanese, Chinese, and Anglo-European cultures represented on the site.
  • North Pacific Cannery Historic Site, B.C., Canada. Documentation of Archival Cultural Heritage Evidence for the NPC Cannery site and settlement inclusive of archival documentation of First Nations, Japanese, Chinese, and Anglo-European involvement with the site.
  • North Pacific Cannery Historic Site, B.C., Canada. UNESCO World Heritage Nomination Procedures. Formulation of step by step process for communities in the development of WH nominations.
  • Heritage Sites at Risk. Report on Information and Resources for Heritage Sites at Risk and International Emergency Assistance for Heritage Sites.
  • Cultural Mapping of the Territory of the Casentino Valley, Tuscany, Italy. Identification and investigation of the cultural layers/themes of the territory of the Casentino Valley.
  • Feasibility Study of the Territory of The Casentino Valley: A Cultural Landscape, Tuscany, Italy: As a Potential Candidate for UNESCO World Heritage Nomination. Feasibility Study inclusive of (1) investigation and identification of the diverse cultural heritage layers of the Casentino Valley; and (2) an analysis to determine whether the territory of the Casentino Valley and its cultural heritage has the potential to meet UNESCO’s criteria for ‘outstanding universal value’ to be considered as a candidate for UNESCO World Heritage Status.
  • Research Project: Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Architecture, Dipartimento Di Storia Dell’Architettura, Restauro e Conservazione dei Beni Architettonici, Universita degli Studi di Roma, “La Sapienza”. “Re-building and Re-urbanization of Early (Modern) Renaissance Rome: Public and Private Spaces.” (An investigation and analysis of cultural processes and patterns in Renaissance architecture and urban form).
  • Research Project: Research Fellow in Architecture, British School at Rome, Italy. Intersections of architecture and archaeology; analysis of architectural and urban structures on archaeological sites as a cultural reading of ancient societies and urban history. Research also inclusive of historic building technologies and materials.
  • Architectural Drawings Project: Getty Art History Information Program and the Center For Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, Washington, DC. Architectural Drawings Advisory Group (ADAG) directed by Dr. Henry Millon (CASVA) to develop procedures for the documentation of architectural drawings and historic built projects to be networked with the Getty Museum and internationally with architectural museums and study centers.
  • Founder of Department of Conservation and Conservation Laboratory for Architectural Drawings, Prints, and Manuscripts, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal, Canada.
  • Founding Curator: Department of Architectural Drawings, Prints, Rare Books and Manuscripts, Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA), Montreal, Canada.

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